Juan Soto is a renowned baseball outfielder, who joined the Yankees in 2023 and is known as both right and left fielder. It is the news that the outfielder Soto is going to sign a $765 million contract, on a 15-years contract with the New York Mets. In the entire sports history, it is considered to be the largest deal and includes an opt-out after five years.
According to sources, several details of the deals are explained, including there is a $75 million signing bonus, the contract contains no differed money and there is also an opt out clause after five years etc.
Formerly, Soto helped the Yankees to reach the world series in the year of 2024 and has already played in two world series. In addition, it is obvious that mets have more enough money offered to Soto like $765 million that’s $5 million extra than Yankees.
It is an interesting think that the revenue by mets could be exceed more than $800 million, over 15 years. So that Juan Soto should not miss out the opportunity from mets because it will be very good and kind enough in their lifestyle
Now we can’t explain what’s the mindset of Juan soto and whose offer is more comfortable and convenient for him. According to the report, Soto must be more beneficial, if he agreed on New York met proposals instead of New York Yankees, Baseball team. It made astonished to the baseball world with the explained news on Sunday night.